
Did the Jiva Fall from the Spiritual World?

Вопросы и ответы | 30 августа 2016 | English with Český Translation | Брно, Чешская республика


Regading jiva's fall into this material world. Srila Prabhupada talks a lot about the fall. One devotee discovered a transcribed lecture of Srila Prabhupada on Srimad Bhagavatam 2.9.1 delivered in Tokio on April 22nd, 1972 (https://old.prabhupadavani.org/main/Bhagavatam/325.html ) in which he says that the jiva does not fall down. The devotee suggested that the jiva remains in the spiritual world but his consciousness is placed into the material world (as in a dream when one is asleep and is dreaming about visiting different countries and performing various activities). He supports his statement by citing BG in which it is said that the jiva is immovable (acala). Thus, he says it is situated in the spiritual world. So my questions are:

A.) What is meant by acala? Some say that it means that the jiva is immovable in the body. Others say that it means that the jiva never leaves the spiritual world.

B.) Does the jiva actually fall down into the material world or he remains in the spiritual world? Is he mechanically moved or it is just an illusion?

i.) I cannot understand how the jiva is simultaneously situated both in the material and spiritual worlds.
ii.) If in the material world the jiva turns away from Krsna, what does he do in the spiritual world at the same time?
iii.) What does it mean that the jiva does not fall if he really falls down?





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